Heart attacks, strokes and thyroid-related issues are the leading causes of death in those 65 and over. Fortunately, these catastrophes may be avoided if their underlying diseases are detected and treated early enough. But, the examinations to detect the presence of these diseases are expensive, and the cost is not covered by insurance for symptom-free patients.
ThermEval's ACT Examination answers the need for an affordable screening tool with a $225, non-invasive imaging procedure employing advanced thermal imaging technology and innovative knowledge-based interpretation software.
ThermEval's ACT Examination accurately detects and identifies signs suggesting the presence of coronary artery atherosclerosis, carotid artery disease, and thyroid dysfunction, while they're still in the development stage, subclinical, and treatable.
The ACT Examination is performed by licensed medical professionals with an easy-to-use, yet sophisticated high-resolution thermal imaging kit and ThermEval's image interpretation service. Patients with positive ACT Examination findings establish the necessity for further study and are referred for comprehensive examination and treatment.
Learn more about the ThermEval ACT Examination, how it can improve patient longevity, and why it's financially beneficial for patients, the medical community, and insurance providers.