Thermogram Assessment Services
18484 Preston Rd., Ste 102-142, Dallas, TX 75252 USA
Breast Thermography Evaluation Report (Sample)
Patient: Jane Doe Sample
Examination Date: 08/06/07
Practitioner: Practioner's name is printed here
Analysis performed: 08/06/07
Patient presents symptomatic with a pain in the nipple/areola of the right breast. Patient reports health issues regarding the left breast; however, symptoms are unspecified.
The examination was performed in the morning outside the patient's menstrual follicular phase. The patient was partially disrobed and underwent thermal equilibration for 10 - 15 minutes with the temperature of examination room 68°F - 72°F. Examination performed consistent with recommended protocol for thermal breast examinations.
The data for this examination were acquired using an infrared sensitive camera. Views of the breasts consisted of a frontal image, including the sternum, and lateral images that included the axillary regions.
This thermographic examination of the breasts is positive. There are multiple significant thermal signs of abnormality (10R/1L) strongly indicating very high risk for the development of breast cancer. The right breast is seen at very high risk with Thermal Risk Category TH5 (Intensely Abnormal). The left breast is seen at low risk with Thermal Risk Category TH1 (Normal).
Examination and Observations:
Visualized Thermal Symmetry: There is a clear and significant difference between the thermal patterns of the right breast and the left breast.
An irregular thermovascular pattern is seen on the outer half of the right breast. It exhibits significant [4.0°C] vascular hyperthermia relative to the same area on the contralateral left breast, and 1.4°C elevation relative to the mean temperature of the ipsilateral right breast.
A uniform thermal pattern is seen on the left breast.
The right breast is seen with localized hyperthermia in the lower-outer quadrant, with significant [3.0°C] elevation relative to the same area on the contralateral left breast. The right breast is seen with significant [2.6°C] global hyperthermia relative to the mean temperature of the left breast, and significant global hyperthermia relative to the temperature of the adjacent sternal region.
The right breast is seen with localized hypothermia in the lower-inner quadrant, with significant [-4.6°C] reduced temperature relative to the mean temperature of the ipsilateral right breast.
Nipple and Areola Region:
The temperature of the nipple/areola region of the right breast is significantly [3.5°C] elevated relative to the temperature of the nipple/areola region of the contralateral the left breast, and elevated 0.9°C relative to the mean temperature of the ipsilateral right breast.
Distorted Mammory Contour ("Edge-Sign"):
A significant distorted thermal outline is identified on the right breast in the lower-outer quadrant.
Impressions: INTENSELY ABNORMAL Breast Thermogram. TH5 Risk Category (VERY HIGH RISK).
This thermographic examination of the breasts is seen with classical evidence of significant and severe thermal abnormality. There is a clear difference between the thermal patterns of the right breast and the left breast. The right breast is significantly more thermally symptomatic than the left breast.
The thermogram of the right breast is Intensely Abnormal with TH5 Thermal Risk (very high risk). This thermal finding strongly indicates the possible presence of significant pathology. The TH5 category carries an extremely high 96% probability of confirmed malignant breast cancer. An alacritous response with diligent followup is essential as the right breast is Very High Risk for the development of breast cancer.
The thermogram of the left breast is Normal with TH1 Thermal Risk (low risk). The left breast is seen at low risk for the development of breast cancer.
Note: A negative thermal finding does not preclude the possible presence of significant pathology.
The right breast is seen with multiple indications of severe abnormality. Notwithstanding any other possible pathology, this very high risk TH5 Classification is generally characteristic of most cystosarcoma phyllodes, inflammatory mastitis, acute abscesses, mature micro-invasive carcinomas (≤ 5mm), T1 carcinomas, modullary cancers, and carcinomatous mastitis.
The left breast appears without thermopathological evidence.
Suggested Follow-up:
[TH5] If a clinical finding, e.g., palpable mass, is present, an MRI followed by a biopsy is indicated. If clinical finding is negative a baseline MRI should be considered if it has not been obtained previously. If MRI is positive, a biopsy is indicated. If negative, a repeat thermal and physical examination should be performed in 3- to 6-months. If the repeat thermogram, as well as repeat physical examination is negative, routinely examine patient every 6- to 12-months. If the repeat thermogram remains abnormal or changes, especially if it worsens, the MRI should be repeated. If it changes, a biopsy should be performed. Mandatory follow-up is essential since a significantly higher percentage of carcinomas are present in patients with this TH5 Thermographic classification.
This Report is not a diagnosis of illness or disease. It is intended for use only by licensed health care professionals to evaluate patient health, diagnose medical conditions, and provide treatment. It is not to be used by individuals for self-diagnosis or self-evaluation, nor for the diagnosis or evaluation of others.